2 "name": "IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationOpenSSLUtils",
3 "version": "8.0.2017012510",
4 "license": "IBM - MobileFirst Platform Foundation 8.0 license agreement",
6 "IBM MobileFirst platform for iOS.": "mobilsdk@us.ibm.com"
8 "summary": "Use the SDK as addition to IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation if you want Open SSL",
9 "description": "The IBM MobileFirst platform for iOS SDK integrates with \n the IBM MobileFirst platform Cloud Services. The SDK has a modular design, \n so you can add add services that are required by your \n application as needed.",
10 "homepage": "https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/licenses/ipla",
12 "git": "https://hub.jazz.net/git/imflocalsdk/imf-client-sdks.git",
13 "tag": "FOUNDATION-8.0.2017012510-20170125-1019-rls"
18 "vendored_frameworks": [
19 "IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation/Frameworks/openssl.framework",
20 "IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation/Frameworks/IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationOpenSSLUtils.framework"