2 "name": "PayUIndia-NativeOtpAssist",
5 "homepage": "https://github.com/payu-intrepos/PayUNativeOtpAssist-iOS",
7 "PayUbiz": "contact@payu.in"
9 "summary": "Native OTP Assist SDK for IOS",
10 "description": "The OTP Assist SDK provides a complete authentication flow for cards transactions. It offers to capture OTP in the merchant app without any redirection to the bank’s 3Dsecure/ACS page. This means that there's one less point of failure in the checkout process and a faster completion rate for transactions.",
12 "git": "https://github.com/payu-intrepos/PayUNativeOtpAssist-iOS.git",
15 "documentation_url": "https://devguide.payu.in/mobile-sdk-ios/native-otp-assist-ios/",
19 "vendored_frameworks": "framework/PayUNativeOtpAssist.xcframework",
21 "PayUIndia-PayUParams": [
24 "PayUIndia-Analytics": [
27 "PayUIndia-CrashReporter": [
30 "PayUIndia-NetworkReachability": [
33 "PayUIndia-CommonUI": [