2 "name": "ApiVideoLiveStream",
4 "summary": "The api.video live stream framework allow easy integration of a live stream broadcast into your application.",
5 "description": "Quickly add the ability to broadcast a live stream from your application with this module. Within minutes, your app will be streaming RTMP live video to api.video where it can be broadcasted to anyone around the world.",
6 "homepage": "https://docs.api.video",
11 "Ecosystem Team": "ecosystem@api.video"
13 "social_media_url": "https://x.com/api_video",
18 "git": "https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-swift-live-stream.git",
21 "source_files": "Sources/**/*.{h,m,swift}",
22 "exclude_files": "Sources/Exclude",