2 "name": "OpinionatedC",
4 "summary": "Because Objective-C should have inherited more from Smalltalk",
5 "description": " OpinionatedC provides a number of categories that allow to write\n more concise and readable code, inspired by Smalltalk.\n At the moment, these are mostly collection methods like map:, \n reduce:, select:, reject:, each:, each:separatedBy:, anySatisfy:,\n allSatisfy:, and many more.\n Take a look at the GitHub repository for the complete list of additions. \n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/leoschweizer/OpinionatedC",
12 "Leo Schweizer": "leonhard.schweizer@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/leoschweizer/OpinionatedC.git",