[Add] CxjToasts 1.0.9
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 4 / e / a / ARCore / 1.16.0 / ARCore.podspec.json
2   "authors": "Google, Inc.",
3   "default_subspecs": [
4     "Base"
5   ],
6   "description": "The ARCore SDK for iOS enables apps to build AR experiences. The ARCore CocoaPod\n    contains the following features available as subspecs: Cloud Anchors allows for AR sharing between\n    devices. Augmented Faces lets you implement face-based AR even on devices without a depth sensor.\n    ",
7   "homepage": "https://developers.google.com/ar/",
8   "license": {
9     "text": "Copyright 2020 Google",
10     "type": "Copyright"
11   },
12   "name": "ARCore",
13   "platforms": {
14     "ios": "9.0"
15   },
16   "preserve_paths": [
17     "CHANGELOG",
18     "README.md"
19   ],
20   "source": {
21     "http": "https://dl.google.com/dl/cpdc/cdbd6b89e3c8335c/ARCore-1.16.0.tar.gz"
22   },
23   "summary": "ARCore SDK for iOS",
24   "version": "1.16.0",
25   "subspecs": [
26     {
27       "dependencies": {
28         "ARCore/Base": "~> 1.16",
29         "GTMSessionFetcher/Core": "~> 1.2",
30         "GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger": "~> 2.1",
31         "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib": "~> 2.1",
32         "Protobuf": "~> 3.5"
33       },
34       "frameworks": [
35         "Accelerate",
36         "AVFoundation",
37         "CoreFoundation",
38         "CoreGraphics",
39         "CoreImage",
40         "CoreMedia",
41         "CoreVideo",
42         "Foundation",
43         "GLKit",
44         "Metal",
45         "OpenGLES",
46         "QuartzCore",
47         "Security",
48         "UIKit"
49       ],
50       "libraries": [
51         "sqlite3",
52         "z",
53         "c++"
54       ],
55       "name": "AugmentedFaces",
56       "resource_bundles": {
57         "ARCoreFaceResources": [
58           "AugmentedFaces/Resources/ARCoreFaceResources/**"
59         ]
60       },
61       "vendored_frameworks": [
62         "AugmentedFaces/Frameworks/ARCoreAugmentedFaces.framework"
63       ]
64     },
65     {
66       "dependencies": {
67         "ARCore/Base": "~> 1.16",
68         "GTMSessionFetcher/Core": "~> 1.2",
69         "GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger": "~> 2.1",
70         "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib": "~> 2.1",
71         "Protobuf": "~> 3.5"
72       },
73       "frameworks": [
74         "AVFoundation",
75         "CoreFoundation",
76         "CoreGraphics",
77         "CoreImage",
78         "CoreMedia",
79         "CoreMotion",
80         "CoreVideo",
81         "Foundation",
82         "ImageIO",
83         "QuartzCore",
84         "Security",
85         "UIKit",
86         "VideoToolbox"
87       ],
88       "libraries": [
89         "c++",
90         "z"
91       ],
92       "name": "CloudAnchors",
93       "resource_bundles": {
94         "ARCoreResources": [
95           "CloudAnchors/Resources/ARCoreResources/**"
96         ]
97       },
98       "vendored_frameworks": [
99         "CloudAnchors/Frameworks/ARCoreCloudAnchors.framework"
100       ],
101       "weak_frameworks": [
102         "ARKit"
103       ]
104     },
105     {
106       "name": "Base",
107       "preserve_paths": [
108         "Base/Sources/module.modulemap"
109       ],
110       "source_files": [
111         "Base/Sources/ARCore.h"
112       ],
113       "user_target_xcconfig": {
114         "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "$(inherited) ${PODS_ROOT}/ARCore/Base/Sources"
115       }
116     }
117   ]