2 "name": "YMSwipeTableViewCell",
4 "summary": "YMSwipeTableViewCell is a lightweight library that enables table view cell swiping.",
5 "description": "YMSwipeTableViewCell is a lightweight library that enables table view cell swiping (seen in most mail applications). It is implemented as a UITableViewCell class category and can detect left or right horizontal swipes. Upon a left or right swipe, a swipe view is exposed. This library is meant to be flexible, so that any views can be exposed during a swipe and a myriad of actions can be taken during the swipe (e.g., swipe view animations, or cell snap back or destruction at the completion of a swipe).",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/aluong-yammer/YMSwipeTableViewCell.git",
7 "screenshots": "https://github.com/aluong-yammer/YMSwipeTableViewCell/blob/master/github-assets/YMSwipeTableViewCellSampleScreenShot.png?raw=true",
10 "Alda Luong": "alluong@microsoft.com",
11 "Sumit Kumar": "sumkuma@microsoft.com"
14 "git": "https://github.com/aluong-yammer/YMSwipeTableViewCell.git",
21 "source_files": "YMSwipeTableViewCell/PodFiles/*.{h,m}"