2 "name": "NeuraSDKFramework",
5 "http": "https://github.com/NeuraLabs/NeuraSDKFramework/releases/download/4.4.0/NeuraSDK.framework.zip"
7 "summary": "Neura SDK",
8 "homepage": "https://www.theneura.com/",
9 "documentation_url": "https://dev.theneura.com/docs/guide/ios/setup",
11 "Neura Inc.": "support@theneura.com"
14 "type": "proprietary",
15 "text": "\n Copyright (C) Neura Inc. See http://www.theneura.com/terms.html\n\n"
17 "description": "Thank you for choosing Neura. Our main goal is to maximize the performance of your product by making it more aware of its users, while respecting privacy through user control over data. We are excited to see what you will accomplish with our SDK!\n\nFor the full iOS SDK documentation, see: https://dev.theneura.com/docs/guide/ios/setup",
22 "vendored_frameworks": "NeuraSDK.framework"