2 "name": "MFResManager",
4 "summary": "MFResManager is a compact iOS utility library to access ressources in an application.",
5 "description": "MFResManager is a compact iOS Utility Library to access ressources in an application.\n\nMFResGetter:\n---------------\n- Access ressouces ( texts, images, videos .. ) in a safe way - avoiding the annoying NULL url exception.\n- Provide a log for missing resources and a mechanism to return a generic resource in replacement\n- Provide an imageNamed: method more powerful than the default one, that loads jpg,png and tifs\n\nMFKeyResGetter:\n---------------\n- Provides the same features than MFResGetter, but adds a localized media handling via a table of content\n\nMFKeyResFileLogger:\n---------------\n- Log to console, or files. This logger is used by the ResGetter classes, but can't be used individually",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/moosefactory/MFResManager",
9 "Tristan Leblanc": "tristan@moosefactory.eu"
12 "git": "https://github.com/moosefactory/MFResManager.git",
15 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/moosefactory_eu",
20 "frameworks": "SystemConfiguration",
21 "source_files": "MFResManager/*"