4 "summary": "Small extension to Date for 95% of use cases",
5 "description": "The native Date API for Swift/Cocoa is tedious and clunky. With years of\nexperience working with these APIs, I've distilled 95% of use cases to just a\nhandful of methods added to Date. The methods are short and easy to remember\nand the parameters are enums so you get auto completion for possible values.\nJust check out the README for a quick summary and then don't be suprised if you\nnever need to look at the docs again!",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/atomkirk/Jumper",
9 "Adam Kirk": "atomkirk@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/atomkirk/Jumper.git",
21 "source_files": "Jumper"