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[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 5 / 4 / b / react-native-folly / 0.1.1 / react-native-folly.podspec.json
2   "name": "react-native-folly",
3   "version": "0.1.1",
4   "summary": "iOS framework of Folly that support use_frameworks!.",
5   "description": "Folly has stoped updating until version 2016.09.26.00 on CocoaPods. We want to create a react-native vessel to integrate with the main project. But it was not supported by the old version. So this the reasion that folly-ios lib presented.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/beatjs/react-native-folly",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "Liam Xu": "liamxujia@outlook.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/beatjs/react-native-folly.git",
16     "tag": "0.1.1"
17   },
18   "module_name": "folly",
19   "libraries": "stdc++",
20   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
21     "USE_HEADERMAP": "NO",
23     "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/boost-for-react-native\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/DoubleConversion\""
24   },
25   "compiler_flags": "-DFOLLY_NO_CONFIG -DFOLLY_MOBILE=1 -DFOLLY_USE_LIBCPP=1 -DFOLLY_HAVE_PTHREAD=1 -Wno-comma -Wno-documentation -Wno-unguarded-availability -Wno-unreachable-code",
26   "source_files": [
27     "folly/String.cpp",
28     "folly/Conv.cpp",
29     "folly/Demangle.cpp",
30     "folly/FileUtil.cpp",
31     "folly/Format.cpp",
32     "folly/lang/SafeAssert.cpp",
33     "folly/ScopeGuard.cpp",
34     "folly/Unicode.cpp",
35     "folly/dynamic.cpp",
36     "folly/json.cpp",
37     "folly/json_pointer.cpp",
38     "folly/container/detail/F14Table.cpp",
39     "folly/detail/Demangle.cpp",
40     "folly/detail/UniqueInstance.cpp",
41     "folly/hash/SpookyHashV2.cpp",
42     "folly/lang/Assume.cpp",
43     "folly/lang/CString.cpp",
44     "folly/memory/detail/MallocImpl.cpp",
45     "folly/net/NetOps.cpp",
46     "folly/portability/SysUio.cpp"
47   ],
48   "preserve_paths": [
49     "folly/*.h",
50     "folly/container/*.h",
51     "folly/container/detail/*.h",
52     "folly/detail/*.h",
53     "folly/functional/*.h",
54     "folly/hash/*.h",
55     "folly/lang/*.h",
56     "folly/memory/*.h",
57     "folly/memory/detail/*.h",
58     "folly/net/*.h",
59     "folly/net/detail/*.h",
60     "folly/portability/*.h"
61   ],
62   "dependencies": {
63     "boost-for-react-native": [
65     ],
66     "DoubleConversion": [
68     ],
69     "glog": [
71     ]
72   },
73   "platforms": {
74     "ios": "10.0"
75   }