[Add] BlueBillywigNativePlayerKit-iOS 8.17.0
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 6 / c / 8 / ModulesKit / 0.0.20 / ModulesKit.podspec.json
2   "name": "ModulesKit",
3   "version": "0.0.20",
4   "summary": "ModulesKit 城市门户组件库",
5   "description": "TODO: Add long description of the pod here.\n 0.0.3 增加基础组件资源\n 0.0.5 新增加网络请求框架\n 0.0.6 修改优化网络请求框架,调整基础框架,增加消息组件\n 0.0.7 修改为动态库\n 0.0.8 增加登录模块\n 0.0.9 引入新的数据模型转换框架 KakaJSON\n 0.0.10 权限相关的配置\n 0.0.11 个人信息模块显示\n 0.0.12 新增加积分和积分商城\n 0.0.13 引入FDFullscreenPopGesture,增加基础NavigationVC,隐藏导航栏\n 0.0.14 优化代码,请求返回结果log\n 0.0.15 新增加新闻模块\n 0.0.16 优化登录之后进行注册推送和通知处理,修改网络接口宏定义方式\n 0.0.17 代码优化,修改STFileModel参数访问级别及初始化方法等内容,token 失效处理,个人信息头像上传bug\n 0.0.18 修改get网络请求中bug,修改功能清单模型\n 0.0.19 UserInfo添加public权限\n 0.0.20 迁移UI相关模块,调整结构",
6   "homepage": "http://smartcity.cec-cesec.com.cn:6882/CityOperate/CityPortal/Project/YinChuan/CityPortalModule/iOS/ModulesKit.git",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "Guoxiafei": "guoxiafei1991@163.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "http://smartcity.cec-cesec.com.cn:6882/CityOperate/CityPortal/Project/YinChuan/CityPortalModule/iOS/ModulesKit.git",
16     "tag": "0.0.20"
17   },
18   "platforms": {
19     "ios": "9.0"
20   },
21   "swift_versions": "5.0",
22   "subspecs": [
23     {
24       "name": "BaseModule",
25       "subspecs": [
26         {
27           "name": "BaseKit",
28           "source_files": "ModulesKit/Modules/BaseModule/BaseKit/**/*",
29           "resource_bundles": {
30             "BaseBundle": [
31               "ModulesKit/Assets/BaseBundle/*.xcassets"
32             ]
33           },
34           "frameworks": [
35             "UIKit",
36             "MapKit",
37             "CoreLocation"
38           ],
39           "dependencies": {
40             "SVProgressHUD": [
42             ],
43             "FFRouter": [
44               "1.1.1"
45             ],
46             "SnapKit": [
47               "4.2.0"
48             ],
49             "MJRefresh": [
50               "3.3.1"
51             ],
52             "RxCocoa": [
53               "5.0.1"
54             ],
55             "RxSwift": [
56               "5.0.1"
57             ],
58             "Kingfisher": [
59               "4.10.1"
60             ],
61             "LYEmptyView": [
62               "1.3.1"
63             ],
64             "KakaJSON": [
65               "~> 1.1.1"
66             ],
67             "FDFullscreenPopGesture": [
69             ]
70           }
71         },
72         {
73           "name": "NetWorkKit",
74           "source_files": "ModulesKit/Modules/BaseModule/NetWorkKit/**/*",
75           "frameworks": "UIKit",
76           "dependencies": {
77             "Alamofire": [
78               "4.9.1"
79             ],
80             "SVProgressHUD": [
81               "2.2.5"
82             ],
83             "ModulesKit/BaseModule/BaseKit": [
85             ]
86           }
87         }
88       ]
89     }
90   ],
91   "swift_version": "5.0"