4 "summary": "Mobile Virtual Try-On SDK",
5 "description": "WANNA SDK empowers iOS applications with the Augmented Reality (AR) Try-On\ncapabilities for shoes and watches. Once integrated, the AR Try-On feature\nallows app users to try sneakers or watches in real-time with their\nsmartphones by pointing a mobile camera at their feet or wrist.",
6 "homepage": "https://wanna.fashion",
9 "file": "WsneakersUISDK.xcframework/LICENSE.md"
11 "authors": "support@wanna.fashion",
13 "http": "https://wreleases.s3.amazonaws.com/sdks/ios/20230220/WannaSDK_ios_6_0_1_186_cocoapods.zip"
20 "WsneakersUISDK.xcframework",
21 "WsneakersCoreSDK.xcframework"
23 "vendored_frameworks": [
24 "WsneakersUISDK.xcframework",
25 "WsneakersCoreSDK.xcframework"