2 "name": "SCScrollViewEx",
7 "summary": "UIScrollView subclass that can use a custom easing function to animate the setting of the content offset",
8 "description": "UIScrollView subclass that can use a custom easing function to animate the setting of the content offset.\n - supports all 30 easing functions defined in [AHEasing](https://github.com/warrenm/AHEasing) (wrapped inside SCEasingFunctions) which you can visualise at http://easings.net/\n - adds a maximum number of touches property\n - allows defining an UIBezierPath as a touch refusal area inside which touches will be ignored",
9 "homepage": "https://github.com/stefanceriu/SCScrollView",
11 "Stefan Ceriu": "stefan.ceriu@yahoo.com"
13 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/stefanceriu",
15 "git": "https://github.com/jprothwell/SCScrollView.git",
19 "type": "MIT License",
22 "source_files": "SCScrollView/*",