[Add] TensorFlowLiteSelectTfOps 0.0.1-nightly.20241227
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 7 / 5 / c / Webtrekk / 4.2.0 / Webtrekk.podspec.json
2   "name": "Webtrekk",
3   "version": "4.2.0",
4   "authors": {
5     "Webtrekk": "arsen.vartbaronov@webtrekk.com"
6   },
7   "homepage": "https://www.webtrekk.com/en/solutions/mobile-analytics/",
8   "license": {
9     "type": "MIT",
10     "file": "LICENSE.MD"
11   },
12   "platforms": {
13     "ios": "8.0",
14     "tvos": "9.0"
15   },
16   "source": {
17     "git": "https://github.com/Webtrekk/webtrekk-ios-sdk.git",
18     "tag": "4.2.0"
19   },
20   "summary": "The Webtrekk SDK allows you to track user activities, screen flow and media usage for an App.",
21   "module_map": "Module/Module.modulemap",
22   "source_files": [
23     "Sources/**/*.swift",
24     "Module/Module.h"
25   ],
26   "watchos": {
27     "exclude_files": [
28       "Sources/Internal/Utility/UIDevice.swift",
29       "Sources/Internal/Utility/UIViewController.swift",
30       "Sources/Internal/Trackers/AVPlayerTracker.swift"
31     ],
32     "frameworks": "WatchKit"
33   },
34   "frameworks": [
35     "Foundation",
36     "UIKit"
37   ],
38   "ios": {
39     "frameworks": [
40       "AVFoundation",
41       "AVKit",
42       "CoreTelephony"
43     ],
44     "dependencies": {
45       "ReachabilitySwift": [
46         "~> 3.0.0"
47       ]
48     }
49   },
50   "dependencies": {
51     "CryptoSwift": [
52       "0.6.0"
53     ]
54   },
55   "tvos": {
56     "dependencies": {
57       "ReachabilitySwift": [
58         "~> 3.0.0"
59       ]
60     }
61   }