2 "name": "UIView+BooleanAnimations",
4 "summary": "Perform changes to UI with or without animations, depending on a variable.",
5 "description": " Perform changes to UI with or without animations, depending on a variable. \n This is really useful for performing unit tests on view controllers without a delay. \n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/ashfurrow/UIView-BooleanAnimations",
12 "Ash Furrow": "ash@ashfurrow.com",
13 "Orta Therox": "orta.therox@gmail.com",
14 "Laura Brown": "laurabrown1113@gmail.com"
20 "git": "https://github.com/ashfurrow/UIView-BooleanAnimations.git",
23 "source_files": "UIView+BooleanAnimations.{h,m}",
24 "frameworks": "UIKit",