2 "name": "libGitHubIssues",
4 "summary": "A kit to make use of GitHub Issues as a bugtracker system.",
5 "description": "libGitHubIssues allows you to integrate GitHub's Issues system into your app to use as a bugtracker. It provides a single public view controller \nto present modally, and supports a native OAuth application flow for users to login. Existing issues can be viewed without the user needing to\nlog in.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/Matchstic/libGitHubIssues",
12 "Matt Clarke": "matt@incendo.ws"
14 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/_Matchstic",
19 "git": "https://github.com/Matchstic/libGitHubIssues.git",
22 "source_files": "libGitHubIssues/*.{h,m}",
25 "libGitHubIssues/Supporting Files/*.png"
28 "frameworks": "UIKit",
34 "RFMarkdownTextView": [
37 "UITextView+Placeholder": [