2 "name": "SharedBase64",
5 "type": "Public Domain"
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/mukarev/SharedBase64",
9 "Markus Kosmal": "code@m-ko-x.de"
11 "summary": "Base64 implementation in C for cross-platform usage",
12 "description": " Optimized for fast string encoded binary cross-platform communication. Offers base64 encoding based on C code with several wrappers. Base 64 encoded strings will have no wrapping, no padding and are url safe. Only dependency is to <stdlib.h> to acces memory, so usable on many platforms. There is already an objective-c wrapper to use with OSX/iOS.\n",
14 "git": "https://github.com/mko-x/SharedBase64.git",
21 "public_header_files": "Classes/*.h",