8 "homepage": "https://gitlab.corp.mail.ru/ios-shared/yoga14.git",
9 "documentation_url": "https://gitlab.corp.mail.ru/ios-shared/yoga14.git",
10 "summary": "Yoga is a cross-platform layout engine which implements Flexbox. Fixed for XCode 14.3",
11 "description": "Yoga is a cross-platform layout engine enabling maximum collaboration within your team by implementing an API many designers are familiar with, and opening it up to developers across different platforms.",
12 "authors": "Facebook",
14 "git": "git@gitlab.corp.mail.ru:ios-shared/yoga14.git",
21 "module_name": "yoga",
22 "requires_arc": false,
23 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
27 "-fno-omit-frame-pointer",
34 "source_files": "yoga/**/*.{c,h,cpp}",
35 "public_header_files": "yoga/{Yoga,YGEnums,YGMacros,YGValue}.h"