2 "name": "NKDCloudModule",
4 "summary": "Use in Main Project to chat with others, provide chat UI and function",
5 "description": "just a module in main product, Add long description of the pod here. check project has NKDCloudModule func before import this module.",
6 "homepage": "https://gitee.com/nick5683/NKDCloudModule.git",
12 "nick": "157132026@qq.com"
15 "git": "https://gitee.com/nick5683/NKDCloudModule.git.git",
22 "NKDCloudModule/Classes/**/*",
23 "NKDCloudModule/Classes/**/**/*"
25 "pod_target_xcconfig": {
26 "VALID_ARCHS": "x86_64 armv7 arm64"
28 "static_framework": true,
29 "vendored_libraries": "NKDCloudModule/Libs/*.a",
30 "vendored_frameworks": "NKDCloudModule/Libs/*.framework",
31 "public_header_files": "NKDCloudModule/Classes/**/*.h",