2 "name": "SGVAppearanceProxy",
4 "summary": "An UIAppearance proxy wrapper to work around performance issues on iOS7.",
5 "description": " UIAppearance performs slow under iOS7 because of some internal changes: certain setter methods (those with axis values or those with more than one argument end up calling an expensive method_exchageImplementations() function. \n This proxy wraps around original appearance proxy and uses the message forwarding mechanism of Objective-C to translate the affected method calls into methods with a single argument, and then passes them along to the original proxy, thus mitigating the problem.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/sanekgusev/SGVAppearanceProxy",
9 "Alexander Gusev": "sanekgusev@gmail.com"
11 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/sanekgusev",
16 "git": "https://github.com/sanekgusev/SGVAppearanceProxy.git",
19 "source_files": "src",