2 "name": "UIForLumberjack",
4 "summary": "iOS UI library to display CocoaLumberjack logs on iOS device",
5 "description": "UIForLumberjack is a tool that allows you to see your CocoaLumberjack logs\non your iOS device. It creates additional logger which puts all the logs\nto UITableView that can be displayed in any UIView. With UIForLumberjack you can\nsee all your logs without Xcode and debugger!",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/burczyk/UIForLumberjack",
12 "Kamil Burczyk": "kamil.burczyk@gmail.com"
18 "git": "https://github.com/burczyk/UIForLumberjack.git",
23 "UIForLumberjack/**/*.{h,m}"
25 "exclude_files": "UIForLumberjackExample",