2 "name": "PersistentStorageSerializable",
4 "summary": "Swift library that makes easier to serialize the user's preferences class/struct with system User Defaults or Property List file on disk.",
5 "description": "Number of protocols from this pod helps to serialize swift class or structure to persistent storage like User Defaults or Keychain. The class/structure must contain properties of simple data type only. These types are: Data, String, Int, Float, Double, Bool, URL, Date, Array, or Dictionary<String, *>.\nAdopt the PersistentStorageSerializable protocol from your struct. Then call pullFromUserDefaults() or pushToUserDefaults() on instance of your struct.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/IvanRublev/PersistentStorageSerializable",
12 "IvanRublev": "ivan@ivanrublev.me"
15 "git": "https://github.com/IvanRublev/PersistentStorageSerializable.git",
22 "source_files": "PersistentStorageSerializable/Classes/**/*",
23 "frameworks": "Foundation",
29 "pushed_with_swift_version": "3.1"