2 "name": "NACommonUtils",
4 "summary": "Some useful utilities.",
5 "homepage": "http://nickager.com/blog/2016/03/04/NACommonUtils",
7 "description": "* ActivityOverlay - Light-weight version of MBProgessHUD. Shows a translucent HUD centred in a specified view containing an activity indicator.\n* AnyError - Provides type erasing unified error type\n* Array+Functional - `func headTail() -> (head: Element, tail: [Element])?`; `arrayByAppend` and `arrayByAppendContentsOf` non-mutating versions of the stdlib `append` and `appendContentsOf`\n* NSMutableAttributedString+Creation - NSMutableAttributedString creation helpers\n* OnePixelConstraint - Designed as a auto-layout width/height constraint that will always be 1px regardless of screen scale\n* String+LineUtils - Strings line helpers\n* UIButton+ActionBlock - Button onPressed: block extension\n* UIResponder+FindUIViewController - Walk the responder chain until we find a `UIViewController`; useful when a `UIView` needs to access `UIViewController` API\n* UIView+Autolayout - Autolayout helpers; `useAutolayout()`, `centerInView(..)`, `constrainToWidth(..)`, `constrainToHeight(..)`\n* KeepInMemoryMixin - Class mixin to allow the class to keep itself in memory",
13 "Nick Ager": "nick.ager@gmail.com"
15 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/NickAger",
20 "git": "https://github.com/NickAger/NACommonUtils.git",
23 "source_files": "NACommonUtils/**/*.{swift}",