[Add] Libbox 1.11.01
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / a / 0 / 8 / TelnyxRTC / 0.1.40 / TelnyxRTC.podspec.json
2   "name": "TelnyxRTC",
3   "version": "0.1.40",
4   "summary": "Enable Telnyx real-time communication services on iOS.",
5   "description": "The Telnyx iOS WebRTC Client SDK provides all the functionality you need to start making voice calls from an iPhone.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/team-telnyx/telnyx-webrtc-ios",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "MIT",
9     "file": "LICENSE"
10   },
11   "authors": {
12     "Telnyx LLC": "mobile.app.eng.chapter@telnyx.com"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/team-telnyx/telnyx-webrtc-ios.git",
16     "tag": "0.1.40"
17   },
18   "platforms": {
19     "ios": "12.0"
20   },
21   "swift_versions": "5.0",
22   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
23     "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64",
25   },
26   "user_target_xcconfig": {
27     "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64"
28   },
29   "source_files": [
30     "TelnyxRTC",
31     "TelnyxRTC/**/*.{h,m,swift}"
32   ],
33   "exclude_files": "TelnyxRTC/Exclude",
34   "resource_bundles": {
35     "TelnyxRTC": [
36       "TelnyxRTC/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"
37     ]
38   },
39   "dependencies": {
40     "Bugsnag": [
41       "~> 6.28.1"
42     ],
43     "Starscream": [
44       "~> 4.0.6"
45     ],
46     "WebRTC-lib": [
47       "~> 124.0.0"
48     ]
49   },
50   "swift_version": "5.0"