2 "name": "CertificateSigningRequest",
4 "summary": "Generate self-signed certificate signing requests (CSRs) on iOS, macOS, macCatalyst, watchOS, and tvOS.",
5 "description": "Enables your app to create self-signed CSRs directly on iOS devices. These CSRs can then be sent somewhere else and turned into certificates. The framework should also work on macCatalyst and macOS 10.12+, assuming the keys are created correctly (the test cases shows how to create keys using the iOS Keychain).",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/cbaker6/CertificateSigningRequest",
12 "cbaker6": "coreyearleon@icloud.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/cbaker6/CertificateSigningRequest.git",
28 "source_files": "Sources/CertificateSigningRequest/**/*.swift",
29 "swift_version": "5.0"