4 "summary": "Simple SSE client written on RxSwift.",
5 "description": "Simple SSE client written on RxSwift.\nThe main idea is to use one to one relationship between event and network connection,\neven if there are multiple subcribers for the same event.\nIn this case the class instance will create one URLSession binded to one PublishSubject,\nwhich retransmits messages to all observers.",
6 "homepage": "https://gitlab.webant.ru/ltdwebant/rxsseclient",
12 "ardashes": "ardashes@webant.ru"
15 "git": "https://gitlab.webant.ru/ltdwebant/rxsseclient.git",
21 "swift_versions": "5.0",
30 "source_files": "RxSSEClient/Classes/**/*",
31 "swift_version": "5.0"