4 "summary": "Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files.",
5 "description": "BartyCrouch incrementally updates your Strings files from your Code and from Interface Builder files. \"Incrementally\" means that\nBartyCrouch will by default keep both your already translated values and even your altered comments. Additionally you can also use\nBartyCrouch for machine translating from one language to 60+ other languages. Using BartyCrouch is as easy as running a few\nsimple commands from the command line what can even be automated using a build script within your project.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/Flinesoft/BartyCrouch",
12 "Cihat Gündüz": "cocoapods@cihatguenduez.de"
14 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/Jeehut",
16 "http": "https://github.com/Flinesoft/BartyCrouch/releases/download/4.10.0/portable_bartycrouch.zip"
18 "preserve_paths": "*",