[Add] AirshipServiceExtension 19.0.2
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / a / c / 6 / LKButterfly / 0.2.0 / LKButterfly.podspec.json
2   "name": "LKButterfly",
3   "version": "0.2.0",
4   "summary": "Standard library for code translated from Kotlin to Swift",
5   "description": "The Butterfly Gradle plugin translates code from Kotlin to Swift, but in order to do so, a set of libraries must be present on both sides.  This is the iOS portion.",
6   "homepage": "https://github.com/lightningkite/butterfly-ios",
7   "license": "MIT",
8   "authors": {
9     "Captain": "joseph@lightningkite.com"
10   },
11   "platforms": {
12     "ios": "11.0"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "git": "https://github.com/lightningkite/butterfly-ios.git",
16     "tag": "0.2.0",
17     "submodules": true
18   },
19   "source_files": "LKButterfly/**/*.{swift,swift.yml,swift.yaml}",
20   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
22   },
23   "requires_arc": true,
24   "swift_versions": "5.3",
25   "xcconfig": {
26     "SWIFT_VERSION": "5.3"
27   },
28   "dependencies": {
29     "Alamofire": [
31     ],
32     "AlamofireImage": [
34     ],
35     "KeychainAccess": [
37     ],
38     "UITextView+Placeholder": [
40     ],
41     "Cosmos": [
43     ],
44     "SearchTextField": [
46     ],
47     "RxSwift": [
48       "5.1.1"
49     ],
50     "RxRelay": [
51       "5.1.1"
52     ],
53     "Starscream": [
55     ],
56     "IBPCollectionViewCompositionalLayout": [
58     ]
59   },
60   "subspecs": [
61     {
62       "name": "Core",
63       "source_files": "LKButterfly/src/**/*.{swift,swift.yml,swift.yaml}"
64     },
65     {
66       "name": "Images",
67       "source_files": "LKButterfly/srcImages/**/*.{swift,swift.yml,swift.yaml}",
68       "dependencies": {
69         "LKButterfly/Core": [
71         ],
72         "DKImagePickerController/Core": [
74         ],
75         "DKImagePickerController/ImageDataManager": [
77         ],
78         "DKImagePickerController/Resource": [
80         ],
81         "DKImagePickerController/Camera": [
83         ]
84       }
85     },
86     {
87       "name": "Calendar",
88       "dependencies": {
89         "LKButterfly/Core": [
91         ]
92       },
93       "source_files": "LKButterfly/srcCalendar/**/*.{swift,swift.yml,swift.yaml}"
94     },
95     {
96       "name": "Location",
97       "dependencies": {
98         "LKButterfly/Core": [
100         ]
101       },
102       "source_files": "LKButterfly/srcLocation/**/*.{swift,swift.yml,swift.yaml}"
103     }
104   ],
105   "swift_version": "5.3"