2 "name": "OABSmartWidget",
4 "summary": "A Drag And Drop library for iOS (min iOS 8).",
5 "description": "A Drag And Drop library for iOS (min iOS 8).\nThis library is based on draggable collection view made by Luke Scott (https://github.com/lukescott/DraggableCollectionView).\nThe purpose is to give a base implementation for draggable cells to be reused in other projects.",
6 "homepage": "https://gitlab.aql.fr/dt-components/widget-ios",
9 "DE BOCK Arnaud": "arnaud.debock@orange.com"
12 "git": "https://gitlab.aql.fr/dt-components/widget-ios.git",
19 "public_header_files": [
20 "Pod/Classes/Public/**/*.h"
22 "source_files": "Pod/Classes/**/*",