4 "summary": "WindowView is a dependency to implement window sliding view to open your app with some interacting, exciting, and wonderful animations",
5 "description": "WindowView is a dependency to implement window sliding view to open your app with some interacting, exciting, and wonderful animations.\nYou can append login view to it in order to sign in and open the window view.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/medhatibsais/WindowView",
12 "Medhat Ibsais": "madhatibsais1@gmail.com"
17 "swift_versions": "4.2",
19 "git": "https://github.com/medhatibsais/WindowView.git",
22 "source_files": "WindowView/**/*.{swift}",
23 "resources": "WindowView/**/*.{png,jpeg,jpg,storyboard,xib,xcassets}",
24 "swift_version": "4.2"