4 "summary": "IPC library for iOS",
5 "description": "MeshPipe is an IPC (inter-process communication) library for iOS using UDP networking.\nIt allows multiple running applications on a single iOS device to send arbitrary data to each other.\nIt:\n\n* Automatically connects to all other MeshPipe apps that are configured with the same port\n* Detects when other apps disconnect or disappear, giving you a list of available peers\n\nSince it is based on UDP, there are some hard-wired limitations:\n\n* Message must fit within a single UDP datagram. The current UDP datagram max size on iOS is 9216 bytes.\n* Delivery is not guaranteed. Messages may or may not get through, may arrive from seemingly unavailable peers, or arrive out of order.\n* You may receive malicious or unexpected data, as any app on the phone could craft a message and send it to your app.\n* Communication is insecure, and any app on the device might listen in or even change messages.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/nevyn/MeshPipe",
8 "type": "Simplified BSD",
12 "Nevyn Bengtsson": "nevyn.jpg@gmail.com"
14 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/nevyn",
16 "git": "https://github.com/nevyn/MeshPipe.git",
23 "default_subspecs": "Core",
27 "source_files": "MeshPipe/*.{h,m}",
28 "exclude_files": "MeshPipe/main.m",
29 "public_header_files": "MeshPipe/MeshPipe.h",
30 "header_mappings_dir": "Cerfing",
41 "name": "CerfingMeshPipe",
42 "source_files": "MeshPipe/CerfingMeshPipeTransport/*.{h,m}",
43 "public_header_files": "MeshPipe/CerfingMeshPipeTransport/*.h",
44 "exclude_files": "MeshPipe/CerfingMeshPipeTransport/main.m",
53 "header_mappings_dir": "Cerfing"