2 "name": "ASWaveformPlayerView",
4 "summary": "Audio waveform view with playback functionality.",
5 "description": "A UIView subclass that displays waveform of a provided local audio file.\n\nThis view has 2 gesture recognizers attached:\n1) UITapGestureRecognizer - Play - Pause associated with a view audio file.\n2) UIPanGestureRecognizer - Seek audio file to specified position.\n\nThere are 3 public properties:\n\nnormalColor - default color of waveform, displays on section of waveform that is yet to be played.\nprogressColor - already played section of waveform fills with this color.\nallowSpacing - inserts little spacing between bars in waveform.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/alexey-savchenko/ASWaveformPlayerView",
7 "screenshots": "https://i.imgur.com/GAKHlxq.png",
13 "alexey-savchenko": "alexey.savchenko.home@gmail.com"
16 "git": "https://github.com/alexey-savchenko/ASWaveformPlayerView.git",
20 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/Alex_Svch",
24 "source_files": "ASWaveformPlayerView/Classes/**/*",
31 "pushed_with_swift_version": "4.0"