2 "name": "IPDFCameraViewController",
4 "summary": "UIView subclass with camera preview, live border detection, perspective correction and an easy to use API",
5 "description": "Welcome to the spiritual successor of MAImagePickerController, that tries to unite a usable & simple camera component class into a single UIView. Initially written as an essential component of InstaPDF 4.0 for instapdf.com, it seemed too useful to keep closed source.",
6 "homepage": "https://instapdf.com",
7 "screenshots": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmackh/IPDFCameraViewController/master/mockup.png",
9 "authors": "Maximilian Mackh",
10 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/mmackh",
15 "git": "https://github.com/barrettj/IPDFCameraViewController.git",
18 "source_files": "IPDFCameraViewController/IPDFCameraViewController.{h,m}",