2 "name": "ParticleWalletAPI",
4 "summary": "ParticleWalletAPI provide api service, support Solana, Ethereum and more.",
5 "description": "Particle API provides a robust, secure, and highly available blockchain API.\nNot only do we have JSON-RPC support, but also enhanced API. This allows you to receive transaction information and NFTs through addresses, obtain token prices, smartly encode/decode transactions, and more. Compared to other node services, you develop your dApp faster while also ensuring that it performs better.",
6 "homepage": "https://particle.network/",
8 "type": "Commercial License",
9 "text": "\\nCopyright 2022 Particle Network. All rights reserved.\\n\\nThe Particle SDK is available under a commercial license (https://docs.particle.network/resources/terms-and-conditions/api-and-sdk-license-agreement).\\n\\n"
12 "SunZhiC": "sunzhichao@minijoy.work"
15 "http": "https://static.particle.network/sdks/ios/ParticleNetwork-Static_XCFramework-1.1.1.zip",
16 "sha1": "37f0ee81c59e6eebb78f1f1ccc96a0f71dfe6b9a"
18 "swift_versions": "5.7",
22 "vendored_frameworks": "XCFrameworks/ParticleWalletAPI.xcframework",
42 "SwiftyUserDefaults": [
45 "ParticleNetworkBase": [
49 "swift_version": "5.7"