2 "name": "JPNavigationController",
4 "summary": "This library provides an fullScreen pop and push gesture for UINavigationController with customize UINavigationBar for each single support.",
5 "description": "FullScreen pop gesture supportFullScreen push gesture supportCustomize UINavigationBar for each single viewController supportAdd link view hovering in screen bottom supportCustomize pop and push gesture distance on the left side of the screen supportClose pop gesture for single viewController supportClose pop gesture for all viewController supportSmooth AVPlayer playing when perform pop gesture",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/newyjp/JPNavigationController",
9 "NewPan": "13246884282@163.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/newyjp/JPNavigationController.git",
18 "source_files": "JPNavigationController/**/*.{h,m}",
19 "resources": "JPNavigationController/JPNavigationController.bundle",