[Add] Web3Auth 11.0.2
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / d / 3 / c / BURelyFoundation / / BURelyFoundation.podspec.json
2   "name": "BURelyFoundation",
3   "version": "",
4   "license": "MIT",
5   "summary": "BURelyFoundation is the basic library for byte ads",
6   "description": "BURelyFoundation is the basic library for byte ads",
7   "homepage": "https://github.com/bytedance/Bytedance-UnionAD",
8   "authors": {
9     "zhangtianhao": "zhangtianhao.1230@bytedance.com"
10   },
11   "platforms": {
12     "ios": "9.0"
13   },
14   "source": {
15     "http": "https://sf16-fe-tos-sg.i18n-pglstatp.com/obj/bu-rely-framework-sg/"
16   },
17   "frameworks": [
18     "UIKit",
19     "CoreFoundation",
20     "WebKit",
21     "StoreKit",
22     "CoreServices",
23     "MediaPlayer",
24     "CoreMedia",
25     "CoreLocation",
26     "AVFoundation",
27     "CoreTelephony",
28     "SystemConfiguration",
29     "AdSupport",
30     "CoreMotion",
31     "Accelerate",
32     "Security",
33     "AudioToolbox"
34   ],
35   "weak_frameworks": "AppTrackingTransparency",
36   "libraries": [
37     "z",
38     "bz2",
39     "resolv.9",
40     "c++",
41     "sqlite3",
42     "xml2",
43     "c++abi",
44     "iconv"
45   ],
46   "requires_arc": true,
47   "script_phases": [
48     {
49       "name": "Check dependency",
50       "script": "sh -c \"$(curl -fsSL https://sf3-fe-tos.pglstatp-toutiao.com/obj/bu-rely-framework/CheckRely/\"",
51       "execution_position": "before_compile"
52     }
53   ],
54   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
55     "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "arm64",
56     "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-ObjC",
58     "LLVM_LTO[config=Debug][sdk=*][arch=*]": "NO",
59     "LLVM_LTO[config=Release][sdk=*][arch=*]": "YES_THIN",
60     "GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL[config=Debug][sdk=*][arch=*]": "0",
61     "GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL[config=Release][sdk=*][arch=*]": "z",
63       "-fno-c++-static-destructors",
64       "-fno-unwind-tables",
65       "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables"
66     ]
67   },
68   "user_target_xcconfig": {
70   },
71   "default_subspecs": [
72     "GM"
73   ],
74   "subspecs": [
75     {
76       "name": "GM",
77       "dependencies": {
78         "BURelyFoundation/HM": [
80         ],
81         "BURelyFoundation/NETWork": [
83         ],
84         "BURelyFoundation/Header": [
86         ]
87       }
88     },
89     {
90       "name": "CSJ",
91       "dependencies": {
92         "BURelyFoundation/HM": [
94         ],
95         "BURelyFoundation/NETWork": [
97         ],
98         "BURelyFoundation/Zip": [
100         ],
101         "BURelyFoundation/Gecko": [
103         ],
104         "BURelyFoundation/SDWebImage": [
106         ],
107         "BURelyFoundation/YYModel": [
109         ],
110         "BURelyFoundation/ZFPlayer": [
112         ],
113         "BURelyFoundation/Foundation": [
115         ],
116         "BURelyFoundation/AFNetworking": [
118         ],
119         "BURelyFoundation/Header": [
121         ]
122       }
123     },
124     {
125       "name": "Pangle",
126       "dependencies": {
127         "BURelyFoundation/NETWork": [
129         ],
130         "BURelyFoundation/Zip": [
132         ],
133         "BURelyFoundation/Gecko": [
135         ],
136         "BURelyFoundation/SDWebImage": [
138         ],
139         "BURelyFoundation/YYModel": [
141         ],
142         "BURelyFoundation/ZFPlayer": [
144         ],
145         "BURelyFoundation/Foundation": [
147         ],
148         "BURelyFoundation/AFNetworking": [
150         ],
151         "BURelyFoundation/Header": [
153         ]
154       }
155     },
156     {
157       "name": "Foundation",
158       "vendored_libraries": "Frameworks/BusinessModules/BUFoundation/libBURelyFoundationFoundation.a",
159       "source_files": "Frameworks/BusinessModules/BUFoundation/Headers/*.h",
160       "public_header_files": "Frameworks/BusinessModules/BUFoundation/Headers/*.h",
161       "dependencies": {
162         "BURelyFoundation/NETWork": [
164         ]
165       }
166     },
167     {
168       "name": "NETWork",
169       "vendored_libraries": "Frameworks/BusinessModules/BUNETWork/libBURelyFoundationNETWork.a",
170       "source_files": "Frameworks/BusinessModules/BUNETWork/Headers/*.h",
171       "public_header_files": "Frameworks/BusinessModules/BUNETWork/Headers/*.h",
172       "dependencies": {
173         "BURelyFoundation/AFNetworking": [
175         ]
176       }
177     },
178     {
179       "name": "Zip",
180       "vendored_libraries": "Frameworks/BasicModules/BUZip/libBURelyFoundationZip.a",
181       "source_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/BUZip/Headers/*.h",
182       "public_header_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/BUZip/Headers/*.h",
183       "dependencies": {
184         "BURelyFoundation/Foundation": [
186         ]
187       }
188     },
189     {
190       "name": "Gecko",
191       "vendored_libraries": "Frameworks/BasicModules/GeckoKit/libBURelyFoundationGecko.a",
192       "source_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/GeckoKit/Headers/*.h",
193       "public_header_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/GeckoKit/Headers/*.h",
194       "dependencies": {
195         "BURelyFoundation/Foundation": [
197         ]
198       }
199     },
200     {
201       "name": "SDWebImage",
202       "vendored_libraries": "Frameworks/BasicModules/SDWebImage/libBURelyFoundationSDWebImage.a",
203       "source_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/SDWebImage/Headers/*.h",
204       "public_header_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/SDWebImage/Headers/*.h",
205       "dependencies": {
206         "BURelyFoundation/Foundation": [
208         ]
209       }
210     },
211     {
212       "name": "YYModel",
213       "vendored_libraries": "Frameworks/BasicModules/YYModel/libBURelyFoundationYYModel.a",
214       "source_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/YYModel/Headers/*.h",
215       "public_header_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/YYModel/Headers/*.h"
216     },
217     {
218       "name": "ZFPlayer",
219       "vendored_libraries": "Frameworks/BasicModules/ZFPlayer/libBURelyFoundationZFPlayer.a",
220       "source_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/ZFPlayer/Headers/*.h",
221       "public_header_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/ZFPlayer/Headers/*.h",
222       "dependencies": {
223         "BURelyFoundation/Foundation": [
225         ],
226         "BURelyFoundation/Zip": [
228         ]
229       }
230     },
231     {
232       "name": "AFNetworking",
233       "vendored_libraries": "Frameworks/BasicModules/AFNetworking/libBURelyFoundationAFN.a",
234       "source_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/AFNetworking/Headers/*.h",
235       "public_header_files": "Frameworks/BasicModules/AFNetworking/Headers/*.h"
236     },
237     {
238       "name": "HM",
239       "vendored_libraries": "Frameworks/BasicModules/HM/libHM.a"
240     },
241     {
242       "name": "Header",
243       "source_files": "Frameworks/CommonHeader/BURelyFoundation.{h,m}",
244       "public_header_files": "Frameworks/CommonHeader/BURelyFoundation.h"
245     }
246   ]