[Add] ZoomVideoSDK 2.1.0
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / d / 7 / a / iDenfySDK / 2.0.1 / iDenfySDK.podspec.json
2   "name": "iDenfySDK",
3   "platforms": {
4     "ios": "13.0"
5   },
6   "summary": "iDenfy IOS SDK",
7   "requires_arc": true,
8   "version": "2.0.1",
9   "license": {
10     "type": "Apache License, Version 2.0",
11     "text": "Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\nhttp://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n"
12   },
13   "authors": {
14     "iDenfy": "info@idenfy.com"
15   },
16   "homepage": "https://idenfy.com",
17   "source": {
18     "http": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/prod-ivs-sdk.builds/ios-sdk/2.0.1/iDenfySDKxcf.zip"
19   },
20   "frameworks": "UIKit",
21   "dependencies": {
22     "lottie-ios": [
23       "4.4.3"
24     ]
25   },
26   "default_subspecs": "iDenfySDK",
27   "swift_versions": "6.0",
28   "subspecs": [
29     {
30       "name": "iDenfySDK",
31       "xcconfig": {
33         "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-ObjC"
34       },
35       "vendored_frameworks": [
36         "IdenfySDK/iDenfySDK.xcframework",
37         "IdenfySDK/idenfycore.xcframework",
38         "IdenfySDK/idenfyviews.xcframework",
39         "IdenfySDK/iDenfyInternalLogger.xcframework"
40       ],
41       "preserve_paths": "IdenfyAssets/*"
42     },
43     {
44       "name": "iDenfyLiveness",
45       "xcconfig": {
47         "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-ObjC"
48       },
49       "preserve_paths": "IdenfyAssets/*",
50       "vendored_frameworks": [
51         "IdenfyLiveness/FaceTecSDK.xcframework",
52         "IdenfyLiveness/iDenfySDK.xcframework",
53         "IdenfyLiveness/IdenfyLiveness.xcframework",
54         "IdenfyLiveness/idenfycore.xcframework",
55         "IdenfyLiveness/idenfyviews.xcframework",
56         "IdenfyLiveness/iDenfyInternalLogger.xcframework"
57       ]
58     },
59     {
60       "name": "iDenfyBlurGlareDetection",
61       "xcconfig": {
63         "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-ObjC"
64       },
65       "preserve_paths": "IdenfyAssets/*",
66       "vendored_frameworks": [
67         "IdenfyLiveness/FaceTecSDK.xcframework",
68         "IdenfyLiveness/iDenfySDK.xcframework",
69         "IdenfyLiveness/IdenfyLiveness.xcframework",
70         "IdenfyLiveness/idenfycore.xcframework",
71         "IdenfyLiveness/idenfyviews.xcframework",
72         "IdenfyLiveness/iDenfyInternalLogger.xcframework",
73         "IdenfyLiveness/iDenfyBlurGlareDetection.xcframework"
74       ]
75     },
76     {
77       "name": "iDenfyNFCReading",
78       "xcconfig": {
80         "OTHER_LDFLAGS": "-ObjC"
81       },
82       "preserve_paths": "IdenfyAssets/*",
83       "vendored_frameworks": [
84         "IdenfyNFCReading/idenfyNFCReading.xcframework",
85         "IdenfyNFCReading/FaceTecSDK.xcframework",
86         "IdenfyNFCReading/iDenfySDK.xcframework",
87         "IdenfyNFCReading/IdenfyLiveness.xcframework",
88         "IdenfyNFCReading/idenfycore.xcframework",
89         "IdenfyNFCReading/idenfyviews.xcframework",
90         "IdenfyNFCReading/OpenSSL.xcframework",
91         "IdenfyNFCReading/iDenfyInternalLogger.xcframework",
92         "IdenfyNFCReading/iDenfyBlurGlareDetection.xcframework"
93       ]
94     },
95     {
96       "name": "iDenfyRecognition",
97       "pod_target_xcconfig": {
98         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "i386"
99       },
100       "user_target_xcconfig": {
101         "EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "i386"
102       },
103       "xcconfig": {
105         "OTHER_LDFLAGS[sdk=iphoneos*]": "-ObjC -l\"idengine-ios\"",
106         "OTHER_LDFLAGS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]": "-ObjC -l\"idengine-ios-simulator\""
107       },
108       "preserve_paths": "IdenfyAssets/*",
109       "vendored_frameworks": [
110         "IdenfyRecognition/idenfyNFCReading.xcframework",
111         "IdenfyRecognition/FaceTecSDK.xcframework",
112         "IdenfyRecognition/iDenfySDK.xcframework",
113         "IdenfyRecognition/IdenfyLiveness.xcframework",
114         "IdenfyRecognition/idenfycore.xcframework",
115         "IdenfyRecognition/idenfyviews.xcframework",
116         "IdenfyRecognition/idengine.xcframework",
117         "IdenfyRecognition/iDenfyDocRecognition.xcframework",
118         "IdenfyRecognition/OpenSSL.xcframework",
119         "IdenfyRecognition/iDenfyInternalLogger.xcframework",
120         "IdenfyRecognition/iDenfyBlurGlareDetection.xcframework"
121       ]
122     }
123   ],
124   "swift_version": "6.0"