2 "name": "SeerBitCheckout",
4 "summary": "SeerBit Native ios sdk is used to seamlessly integrate SeerBit payment gateways into Native ios applications.",
5 "description": "SeerBit Native ios sdk is used to seamlessly integrate SeerBit payment gateways into Native ios applications. It is very simple and easy to integrate. It is completely built with SwiftUI, and also integrates with UIKKit projects.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/seerbit-developers/SeerBitCheckout",
13 "git": "https://github.com/seerbit-developers/SeerBitCheckout.git",
16 "source_files": "Sources/SeerBitCheckout/**/*.swift",
17 "resources": "Sources/Media.xcassets",
18 "frameworks": "SwiftUI",
19 "swift_versions": "5.9",
25 "SDWebImageSwiftUI": [
29 "swift_version": "5.9"