2 "name": "KeyboardStateScroller",
4 "summary": "KeyboardStateScroller is a keyboard listener that will scroll any UIView up if the keyboard is being shown, and vice versa",
5 "homepage": "https://github.com/IdleHandsApps/KeyboardStateScroller/",
6 "description": " Two views are registered with KeyboardStateScroller, a scrollingView and a targetView. If the targetView's frame will be intersected by the keyboard, then the scrollingView will be scrolled up the same distance and speed as the keyboard\n",
9 "Fraser Scott-Morrison": "fraserscottmorrison@me.com"
12 "git": "https://github.com/IdleHandsApps/KeyboardStateScroller.git",
18 "source_files": "Classes/*.{h,m}",
19 "public_header_files": "Classes/*.h",