[Add] LiteRTSelectTfOps 0.0.1-nightly.20250120
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / e / 9 / 3 / LiferayScreens / 4.0.1 / LiferayScreens.podspec.json
2   "name": "LiferayScreens",
3   "module_name": "LiferayScreens",
4   "version": "4.0.1",
5   "summary": "A family of visual components called screenlets that are connected to the Liferay Platform used as a backend",
6   "homepage": "https://www.liferay.com/liferay-screens",
7   "license": {
8     "type": "LGPL 2.1",
9     "file": "LICENSE.md"
10   },
11   "source": {
12     "git": "https://github.com/liferay/liferay-screens.git",
13     "tag": "4.0.1"
14   },
15   "authors": {
16     "Jose Manuel Navarro": "jose.navarro@liferay.com",
17     "Javier Gamarra": "javier.gamarra@liferay.com"
18   },
19   "swift_version": "4.2",
20   "platforms": {
21     "ios": "9.0"
22   },
23   "requires_arc": true,
24   "ios": {
25     "frameworks": [
26       "CoreGraphics",
27       "Foundation",
28       "MobileCoreServices",
29       "QuartzCore",
30       "Security",
31       "SystemConfiguration",
32       "UIKit"
33     ]
34   },
35   "source_files": [
36     "ios/Framework/Core/**/*.{h,m,swift}",
37     "ios/Framework/Themes/**/*.{h,m,swift}"
38   ],
39   "exclude_files": [
40     "ios/Framework/Core/liferay-screens-bridge.h",
41     "ios/Framework/Tests/**/*.*",
42     "ios/Framework/Pods/**/*.*",
43     "ios/Framework/Themes/Flat7/**/*.*"
44   ],
45   "resource_bundles": {
46     "LiferayScreens-core": "ios/Framework/Core/**/*.{plist,lproj,js,html,css}",
47     "LiferayScreens-default": "ios/Framework/Themes/Default/**/*.{xib,png,plist,lproj}"
48   },
49   "dependencies": {
50     "Liferay-iOS-SDK": [
51       "~> 7.1"
52     ],
53     "MBProgressHUD": [
54       "~> 0.9.1"
55     ],
56     "SMXMLDocument": [
57       "~> 1.1"
58     ],
59     "YapDatabase/SQLCipher": [
60       "2.9.2"
61     ],
62     "Kingfisher": [
63       "~> 4.0"
64     ],
65     "KeychainAccess": [
66       "~> 3.0"
67     ],
68     "DTPickerPresenter": [
69       "~> 0.2.0"
70     ],
71     "TNRadioButtonGroup": [
72       "~> 0.4"
73     ],
74     "MDRadialProgress": [
75       "~> 1.3.2"
76     ],
77     "Cordova": [
78       "~> 4.0"
79     ]
80   }