2 "name": "OpenWrapEventHandler",
4 "summary": "The PubMatic iOS SDK makes it easy to incorporate ads into iOS applications & monetize your applications with ease",
5 "homepage": "https://community.pubmatic.com/display/IS",
7 "type": "Pubmatic Inc. license",
8 "text": " /*\n \n * PubMatic Inc. (\"PubMatic\") CONFIDENTIAL\n \n * Unpublished Copyright (c) 2006-2020 PubMatic, All Rights Reserved.\n \n *\n \n * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of PubMatic. The intellectual and technical concepts contained\n \n * herein are proprietary to PubMatic and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law.\n \n * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained\n \n * from PubMatic. Access to the source code contained herein is hereby forbidden to anyone except current PubMatic employees, managers or contractors who have executed\n \n * Confidentiality and Non-disclosure agreements explicitly covering such access.\n \n *\n \n * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication or disclosure of this source code, which includes\n \n * information that is confidential and/or proprietary, and is a trade secret, of PubMatic. ANY REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, DISTRIBUTION, PUBLIC PERFORMANCE,\n \n * OR PUBLIC DISPLAY OF OR THROUGH USE OF THIS SOURCE CODE WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF PubMatic IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, AND IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE\n \n * LAWS AND INTERNATIONAL TREATIES. THE RECEIPT OR POSSESSION OF THIS SOURCE CODE AND/OR RELATED INFORMATION DOES NOT CONVEY OR IMPLY ANY RIGHTS\n \n * TO REPRODUCE, DISCLOSE OR DISTRIBUTE ITS CONTENTS, OR TO MANUFACTURE, USE, OR SELL ANYTHING THAT IT MAY DESCRIBE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART.\n \n */\n"
11 "PubMatic": "pm-library@pubmatic.com"
14 "http": "https://repo.pubmatic.com/artifactory/public-repos/ios/openwrap-handler/1.1.0/openwrap-handler-1.1.0.zip"
19 "default_subspecs": "DFP",
31 "Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK": [
35 "source_files": "OpenWrapHandlerDFP/Headers/*.h",
36 "public_header_files": "OpenWrapHandlerDFP/Headers/*.h",
37 "vendored_frameworks": "OpenWrapHandlerDFP/OpenWrapHandlerDFP.framework"
52 "source_files": "OpenWrapHandlerMopub/Headers/*.h",
53 "public_header_files": "OpenWrapHandlerMopub/Headers/*.h",
54 "vendored_frameworks": "OpenWrapHandlerMopub/OpenWrapHandlerMopub.framework"