2 "name": "MinodesInteractionsSDK",
4 "summary": "Use the Minodes Interactions SDK to add powerful location-based features to your app.",
5 "description": "Use the Minodes Interactions SDK to add powerful location-based features to your app, enabling a richer and more interactive shopping experience for your customers. Send your customers messages according to their location, profile and preferences, or build new features on top of iBeacon technology.",
6 "homepage": "http://minodes.com",
8 "Minodes GmbH": "support@minodes.com"
14 "git": "https://github.com/minodes/interactions-ios-sdk.git",
17 "source_files": "MinodesInteractionsSDK/Headers/*.h",
18 "preserve_paths": "MinodesInteractionsSDK/libMinodesInteractionsSDK.a",
19 "vendored_libraries": "MinodesInteractionsSDK/libMinodesInteractionsSDK.a",
23 "SystemConfiguration",
29 "LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"$(PODS_ROOT)/MinodesInteractionsSDK\"",
30 "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS": "\"${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/MinodesInteractionsSDK\""
34 "text": " Copyright 2015 Minodes GmbH. All rights reserved.\n"