2 "name": "R87DownloaderImageView",
4 "summary": "R87DownloaderImageView is a UIImageView subclass which makes possible to download an image from the provided link.",
5 "description": "R87DownloaderImageView is a UIImageView subclass which makes possible to download an image from the provided link.\n\nWhile the download is in progress the default or a custom propgress bar is displayed, the download returns a success block with the downloaded image or a failure block in case of an error.",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/reden87/R87DownloaderImageView",
7 "screenshots": "https://camo.githubusercontent.com/e2286c9a0e78c6bfdc2534e4f56027c8041e3a1a/687474703a2f2f726564656e38372e696e666f2f4769744875622f523837496d616765566965772e676966",
13 "Gergő Németh": "http://reden87.info/"
15 "social_media_url": "http://twitter.com/reden87",
21 "git": "https://github.com/reden87/R87DownloaderImageView.git",
24 "source_files": "R87DownloaderImageView/*.{h,m}",