4 "summary": "Use json、NSDictionary and NSUserDefaults to store、read、delete and clear data easily",
5 "description": "The AndyJsonStore Module is based on AndyExtension. Don't worry, the AndyExtension core has been compiled in it. So the AndyStore is independent.\n\nAny data you get from AndyStore, you should convert its type to the type that you want manually by yourself.(PS:the AndyJsonStore is an exception. It can convert data type automatically.)",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/lyandy/AndyStore",
9 "李扬": "liyangforever@vip.qq.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/lyandy/AndyStore.git",
18 "source_files": "AndyStore/*",
19 "frameworks": "Foundation",