2 "name": "FlexileDatabase",
4 "homepage": "https://github.com/ahayman/FlxDatabase",
5 "summary": "A SQLite database management tool with object oriented SQL Statements.",
6 "description": " The Flexile Database is a set of classes to help manage information in a SQLite database (iPhone only at the moment) in an object oriented fasion. The header files are fully documented, so you can learn a lot about usage there.\n\nThe is one dependency: FlxToolkit. It a collection of classes, defines, functions, etc I use in most of my projects.\n\nWarning: At the moment, while these classes handle just about all types of updates you can do on a SQLite database, they only handle single-table queries. I intend on adding joined queries in the near future... as soon as I can get to it. \n",
8 "Aaron Hayman": "aaron@flexile.co"
12 "git": "https://github.com/ahayman/FlxDatabase.git",
15 "source_files": "FlxDatabase/*.{h,m}",
16 "libraries": "sqlite3",