3 "module_name": "Redux",
5 "summary": "An implementation of a predictable state container in Swift.",
6 "description": "Redux.swift is an implementation of a predictable state container, written in Swift. It aims to enforce separation of concerns and a unidirectional data flow by keeping your entire app state in a single data structure that cannot be mutated directly, instead relying on an action dispatch mechanism to describe changes.",
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/fellipecaetano/Redux.swift",
13 "Fellipe Caetano": "fellipe.caetano4@gmail.com"
16 "git": "https://github.com/fellipecaetano/Redux.swift.git",
23 "default_subspecs": "Standard",
28 "Redux.swift/Classes/**/*"
31 "Redux.swift/Classes/RxSwift/**/*"
37 "Redux.swift/Classes/**/*"