[Add] AlibabacloudMse20190531 6.13.0
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / 7 / d / 3 / SQKDataKit / 0.6.0 / SQKDataKit.podspec.json
2   "name": "SQKDataKit",
3   "version": "0.6.0",
4   "summary": "Lightweight Core Data helper to reduce boilerplate code.",
5   "license": {
6     "type": "Custom",
7     "file": "LICENCE"
8   },
9   "description": "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCollection of classes to make working with Core Data easier and help DRY-up your code.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tProvides convenience methods and classes for working in a multi-threaded environment with NSManagedObjects and NSManagedObjectContexts.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCodifies some good practises for importing large data sets efficiently.\n",
10   "homepage": "https://github.com/3squared/SQKDataKit",
11   "authors": {
12     "Luke Stringer": "luke.stringer@3squared.com",
13     "Sam Oakley": "sam.oakley@3squared.com",
14     "Zack Brown": "zack.brown@3squared.com",
15     "Ken Boucher": "ken.boucher@3squared.com",
16     "Ste Prescott": "ste.prescott@3squared.com",
17     "Ben Walker": "ben.walker@3squared.com"
18   },
19   "source": {
20     "git": "https://github.com/3squared/SQKDataKit.git",
21     "tag": "0.6.0"
22   },
23   "frameworks": "CoreData",
24   "requires_arc": true,
25   "platforms": {
26     "ios": "6.0",
27     "osx": "10.9"
28   },
29   "source_files": "Classes/shared/SQKDataKit.h",
30   "subspecs": [
31     {
32       "name": "Core",
33       "source_files": [
34         "Classes/shared/SQKDataKitErrors.{h,m}"
35       ],
36       "public_header_files": [
37         "Classes/shared/SQKDataKitErrors.h"
38       ]
39     },
40     {
41       "name": "ContextManager",
42       "dependencies": {
43         "SQKDataKit/Core": [
45         ]
46       },
47       "source_files": [
48         "Classes/shared/ContextManager/**/*{h,m}"
49       ],
50       "public_header_files": [
51         "Classes/shared/SQKDataKitErrors.h",
52         "Classes/shared/ContextManager/SQKContextManager.h",
53         "Classes/shared/ContextManager/NSManagedObjectContext+SQKAdditions.h",
54         "Classes/shared/ContextManager/NSPersistentStoreCoordinator+SQKAdditions.h"
55       ]
56     },
57     {
58       "name": "ManagedObjectExtensions",
59       "source_files": [
60         "Classes/shared/NSManagedObject+SQKAdditions/**/*{h,m}"
61       ],
62       "public_header_files": [
63         "Classes/shared/NSManagedObject+SQKAdditions/NSManagedObject+SQKAdditions.h"
64       ],
65       "dependencies": {
66         "SQKDataKit/Core": [
68         ]
69       }
70     },
71     {
72       "name": "ManagedObjectController",
73       "source_files": [
74         "Classes/shared/SQKManagedObjectController/**/*{h,m}"
75       ],
76       "public_header_files": [
77         "Classes/shared/SQKManagedObjectController/SQKManagedObjectController.h"
78       ],
79       "dependencies": {
80         "SQKDataKit/Core": [
82         ]
83       }
84     },
85     {
86       "name": "FetchedTableViewController",
87       "platforms": {
88         "ios": "6.0"
89       },
90       "source_files": [
91         "Classes/ios/SQKFetchedTableViewController/**/*{h,m}"
92       ],
93       "public_header_files": [
94         "Classes/ios/SQKFetchedTableViewController/SQKFetchedTableViewController.h"
95       ],
96       "frameworks": [
97         "CoreData",
98         "UIKit"
99       ],
100       "dependencies": {
101         "SQKDataKit/Core": [
103         ]
104       }
105     },
106     {
107       "name": "FetchedCollectionViewController",
108       "platforms": {
109         "ios": "6.0"
110       },
111       "source_files": [
112         "Classes/ios/SQKFetchedCollectionViewController/**/*{h,m}"
113       ],
114       "public_header_files": [
115         "Classes/ios/SQKFetchedCollectionViewController/SQKFetchedCollectionViewController.h"
116       ],
117       "frameworks": [
118         "CoreData",
119         "UIKit"
120       ],
121       "dependencies": {
122         "SQKDataKit/Core": [
124         ]
125       }
126     },
127     {
128       "name": "CoreDataOperation",
129       "source_files": [
130         "Classes/shared/SQKCoreDataOperation/**/*{h,m}"
131       ],
132       "public_header_files": [
133         "Classes/shared/SQKCoreDataOperation/SQKCoreDataOperation.h"
134       ],
135       "dependencies": {
136         "SQKDataKit/Core": [
138         ],
139         "SQKDataKit/ContextManager": [
141         ],
142         "SQKDataKit/ManagedObjectExtensions": [
144         ]
145       }
146     }
147   ]