4 "summary": "`GDIIndexBar` is a component for navigating sections of a `UITableView`.",
5 "description": " `GDIIndexBar` is a component for navigating sections of a `UITableView`. It reproduces the index bar seen in the Contacts app on iOS and styled to match both iOS6 and iOS7 by default. `GDIIndexBar` can also be customized through the appearance protocol or by subclassing. \n\n `GDIIndexBar` behaves by automatically sizing and positioning itself on the right side of the provided `UITableView`. Subclasses can alter this by overriding the `layoutSubviews` method of the `GDIIndexBar`. `GDIIndexBar` provides automatic vertical adjustments for the index bar by setting a `GDIIndexBarAlignment` value. \n\n `GDIIndexBar` is supports being added directly to a `UITableView` as a child subview, or can exist in a different view than the table while still positioning automatically. *NOTE:* In order to correctly receive touch events as a subview of a `UITableView`, the `delaysContentTouches` property is automatically set to `NO`.\n",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/gdavis/GDIIndexBar",
8 "http://f.cl.ly/items/1a3Z0T3A2X1x0W023W2R/GDIIndexBar-1.png",
9 "http://f.cl.ly/items/2x2H2x0A3T3k0i3y0p1i/GDIIndexBar-2.png"
13 "Grant Davis": "grant@grantdavisinteractive.com"
16 "git": "https://github.com/gdavis/GDIIndexBar.git",
23 "source_files": "Classes"