[Add] AlibabacloudMse20190531 6.13.0
[CocoaPods.git] / Specs / a / d / 1 / IRLSize / 2.3.0 / IRLSize.podspec.json
2   "name": "IRLSize",
3   "version": "2.3.0",
4   "summary": "A library for determining the actual physical size of pixels on an iOS or watchOS device.",
5   "description": "IRLSize is used to determine the physical size of the device\nyou’re using, both width and height. It includes convenience\nmethods for drawing a view at a specific size as well as\ndetermining the physical size of a view.",
6   "homepage": "http://www.detroitlabs.com",
7   "license": "MIT",
8   "authors": {
9     "Jeff Kelley": "SlaunchaMan@gmail.com"
10   },
11   "source": {
12     "git": "https://github.com/detroit-labs/IRLSize.git",
13     "tag": "2.3.0"
14   },
15   "platforms": {
16     "ios": "9.0",
17     "watchos": "2.0"
18   },
19   "requires_arc": true,
20   "source_files": [
21     "Pod/Classes/*",
22     "Pod/Classes/Private/*"
23   ],
24   "private_header_files": "Pod/Classes/Private/*.h",
25   "frameworks": "Foundation",
26   "ios": {
27     "source_files": "Pod/Classes/iOS/*",
28     "frameworks": "UIKit"
29   },
30   "watchos": {
31     "source_files": "Pod/Classes/watchOS/*",
32     "frameworks": "WatchKit"
33   },
34   "dependencies": {
35     "Orchard/ObjC": [
36       ">= 1.8.0"
37     ]
38   },
39   "pod_target_xcconfig": {
41   },
42   "testspecs": [
43     {
44       "name": "IRLSizeTests",
45       "test_type": "unit",
46       "platforms": {
47         "ios": "9.0"
48       },
49       "source_files": "IRLSizeTests/*.{h,m}",
50       "dependencies": {
51         "Kiwi": [
53         ]
54       },
55       "requires_app_host": true
56     }
57   ]