2 "name": "DraggableDynamicModal",
4 "summary": "This library allows to facilitate the display of a view controller as modal with great animation and user interaction.\n You can easily change the child in this modal as well as the size.",
5 "description": "To create a modal manager you should create a `ModalViewControllerManager` :\n```\nvar modalManager: ModalViewControllerManager!\nself.modalManager = ModalViewControllerManager(parentViewController: {The parent who oresenting the modal controller}})\n```\n\nThen, you can present the modal using the method : `presentModal`. This method takes only on parameters, the view controller to display.\n\nThe view controller to be displayed should be conform to `DraggableChildModal` and implement the method `shouldChangeContainerHeight`",
6 "homepage": "https://github.com/ali59a/DraggableDynamicModal",
12 "ali59a": "aabbas90@gmail.com"
15 "git": "https://github.com/ali59a/DraggableDynamicModal.git",
18 "social_media_url": "https://twitter.com/ali59a",
23 "DraggableDynamicModal/Classes/**/*.{Swift}",
24 "DraggableDynamicModal/Classes/Utils/*.{h,m}"
27 "DraggableDynamicModal": [
28 "DraggableDynamicModal/Classes/*.{storyboard}"